FuentCRM vs Groundhogg

FluentCRM vs Groundhogg: Which WordPress CRM works for you?

Are you looking for a new CRM? We compare FluentCRM vs Groundhogg – two WordPress-based customer relationship management options, but they’re not the same. You can read our review of FluentCRM here and also find our review of Groundhogg CRM here. If you’re looking for a CRM that’s easy to use, has an intuitive interface,...
Fluent SMTPThumbnail

Configure Fluent SMTP to Avoid the SPAM Box for Your Email Marketing Messages

You can configure Fluent SMTP to avoid sending emails to your customer’s SPAM box. Your email marketing automation solution only works when your recipients actually see your messages. The folks who make FluentCRM created a free plugin that connects your WordPress CRM to reputable email sending services, like Amazon SES and Google Workspace or Gmail....